Maybe it won’t snow this week? 🤞
Upcoming Events
Intramurals begin this week with outdoor soccer at 9pm on Monday. Show up at SPAC to play or just to cheer on your fellow woos (and congratulate our new IM Chair Ben VanPelt)!
Munchies this week will be on Wednesday at 6pm in the WFFL, featuring sushi!
Games with Conner returns this week on Saturday at 7pm in the WFFL.
Lots of birthdays this week! Wish a happy birthday to April Li, Kaitlyn Hung, and Julianna Zitron on Monday, Arush Iyer on Friday, and Isaiah DeLeon on Sunday!

To let us know if you have any questions or concerns, please fill out the anonymous Feedback Form or contact any member of exec!
Follow us!
The best way to stay caught up with Willard news is by reading The Weekly Woo and checking the Official Formal Woochat on Groupme!