Willard News
Countdown to Willard Formal: 20 days until Willard Formal! Check out the Formal Friday revealson our Instagram and in the Woochat every week for more details about venue, catering, entertainment, tickets, and more! To recap, here’s what we’ve found out so far…
Date & Time: February 11th, 7:30-11pm
Venue: DANK Haus German American Cultural Center Marunde Ballroom and Chicago Skyline Terrace
Catering: Korean-Mexican taco bar from Seoul Taco (vegetarian options available)
Tickets coming soon… get excited!
To let us know if you have any questions or concerns, please fill out the anonymous Feedback Form or contact any member of exec!
Event Details
Female Identifying Affinity Space: Join our first meeting of the quarter! This affinity space is intended as a place where female identifying people can hang out and talk.
The best way to stay caught up with Willard news is by reading The Weekly Woo and checking the Announcements Woochat on Groupme!